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URGENT — The hemp and CBD industries need your advocacy today!
The fate of CBD lies in the hands of Congress — take action today!
Can you spare a minute to support the CBD industry?
Join us in the effort to hold our industry accountable to the same standards as all dietary supplement or food and beverage additives — urge Congress to stop the stalemate and regulate CBD now! Visit today to contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives asking them to support critical legislation to #StopTheStalemate and #RegulateCBDnow.
What Stalemate? After nearly four years of promising to explore a regulatory pathway for the retail sale of hemp-derived CBD, the FDA has admitted there is no plan to move on regulations anytime soon. Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock argued recently that current law is “fairly clear” barring the agency from action on CBD, putting FDA in “a stalemate position.” She followed up: “I don’t know that it’s a matter of FDA policy. I think it may well be a matter of law.”
If it’s a matter of law, then it’s up to Congress to stop the stalemate and regulate CBD now!
We need YOU to visit this link TODAY to contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives asking them to support critical legislation that would require the FDA to hold products containing hemp-derived CBD to the same standards as dietary supplement ingredients and food or beverage additives.
But, why? Regulatory uncertainty regarding the legality of hemp-derived CBD has started to dismantle the up-and-coming market, limiting demand from the manufacturing sector, resulting in a sharp decline in hemp prices and economic hardship for hemp farmers. Large hemp processing facilities have gone bankrupt under the uncertain circumstances, leaving farmers left with raw hemp material and a heavy loss on investment. Meanwhile, big box stores remain hesitant to carry CBD products and consumers are left confused and unprotected without regulatory oversight.
Your advocacy makes a difference!​
Help amplify the call on Congress to Regulate CBD now and use the online action center at to message your members of Congress. Just last month, the number of messages sent using the customizable form tripled thanks to the advocacy of Hemp Supporters and endorsers across the nation.. Not so coincidentally, H.R. 841, a bill that would regulate CBD as a dietary supplement, gained the support of three additional U.S. Representatives, bringing the total to 34 (21 Democrats and 13 Republicans) and a House hearing is expected on the issue in the coming weeks. These messages also advocate for two vehicles in the Senate that would explicitly legalize hemp extract products, like CBD: S. 1698, and the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act.
It takes just a quick moment of your time to fill out the form and send the customizable email to your Congressional leaders. If you’ve already contacted yours, please share the link with your friends and social followers encouraging them to do the same. Together we can accomplish this critical step for the hemp and CBD industries.
Contact Your Members Of Congress
Check out this example of an email sent out by Bluebird Botanicals with the call to action using the company's custom branding. Do you think your company or organization could do the same?